How To Keep Wasps Away From Blink Cameras

How To Keep Wasps Away From Blink Cameras – Best Guide About Camera! 

Blink cameras are excellent tools for monitoring your home, but dealing with insects like wasps around your cameras can be a frustrating problem. 

Wasps may be attracted to the warmth of the camera, its location, or even the small openings that seem like a suitable nesting spot. 

Fortunately, there are simple and safe methods to keep wasps away from your Blink cameras. Lets End this issue with us “How To Keep Wasps Away From Blink Cameras

To keep wasps away from Blink cameras, regularly clean the camera area to remove any potential nesting spots. Apply wasp-repellent sprays or essential oils, like peppermint, around the camera housing. Installing a protective cover can also help prevent wasps from building nests on or near the device

Keep wasps away from your Blink cameras with simple steps to protect your security system. 

Learn how to prevent nests and ensure uninterrupted footage. Keep your cameras clear and functioning smoothly with these easy solutions.

Why Wasps Are Attracted to Cameras

Before diving into solutions, it’s important to understand why wasps might be attracted to your Blink cameras in the first place. 

Wasps look for warm places, and your Blink camera can provide just that, especially if it’s mounted in the sun. 

Wasps are also attracted to small gaps or holes, and the camera’s casing might offer them a potential nesting spot. Finally, the camera’s movement or infrared light can draw insects to it, including wasps.

  1. Choose the Right Location

One of the best ways to avoid wasps near your Blink cameras is to place them in areas where wasps are less likely to build nests. 

Avoid installing the camera near eaves, gutters, or outdoor lights where wasps typically gather. 

Try mounting the camera on walls that receive less direct sunlight. Wasps prefer warm areas, so keeping the camera in the shade can help reduce their interest.

  1. Seal Gaps Around the Camera

Wasps often look for small holes or gaps where they can build their nests. Inspect your Blink camera carefully for any tiny spaces or cracks around it. 

Use weatherproof caulk or sealant to fill in these gaps and make the area less attractive for wasps. This will not only keep wasps away but also protect your camera from moisture and dirt.

  1. Use Natural Repellents

Natural repellents are a great, non-toxic way to keep wasps away from your Blink cameras. Wasps dislike certain scents, and using these can help deter them from approaching your camera. Some effective natural repellents include:

  • Peppermint Oil: Mix a few drops of peppermint oil with water in a spray bottle and spray around the camera. The strong scent will keep wasps away without harming them or damaging your camera.
  • Cucumber Slices: Wasps are not fond of cucumbers. Placing a few slices near your camera can help keep them away. This is an easy, natural solution that can be replaced regularly.
  • Clove, Geranium, and Lemongrass Oils: These essential oils are known to repel wasps. You can mix them with water and spray around the camera’s installation area to discourage wasps from coming near.
  1. Install Wasp Decoys

Wasp decoys are fake wasp nests that can be hung near your Blink cameras to trick real wasps into thinking the area is already occupied. 

Wasps are territorial and usually avoid building nests near other wasps. Hanging a wasp decoy close to your camera can prevent them from approaching. 

These decoys are available online or at garden stores and are a safe and effective way to keep wasps at bay.

  1. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Wasps are attracted to areas with dirt, debris, or spider webs. Regularly clean the area around your Blink cameras to ensure there’s nothing drawing insects to the camera. 

You can use a damp cloth to wipe the camera’s exterior and the area around it. 

Cleaning will not only keep wasps away but also help your camera function better by ensuring that the lens is clear and free of dust.

  1. Motion-Activated Sprays or Deterrents

Another method to keep wasps away from your Blink cameras is to install motion-activated sprays or deterrents. 

These devices release a harmless spray or create a sound when movement is detected, which can scare off wasps and other insects without causing harm. 

Positioning one near your camera can keep the area wasp-free while allowing your camera to capture clear footage without obstructions.

What to Avoid When Keeping Wasps Away

While there are many effective ways to keep wasps away from your Blink cameras, it’s important to avoid harmful practices:

  • Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals: Insect sprays or pesticides can damage your camera and harm the environment. Opt for natural repellents instead.
  • Don’t Swat at Wasps: Swatting at wasps can make them more aggressive. If you see a wasp near your camera, remain calm and allow it to leave on its own or use a gentle spray to repel it.
  • Avoid Destroying Wasps’ Nests Without Protection: If you find a wasp nest near your Blink camera, avoid removing it without professional help. Attempting to destroy a nest on your own can lead to wasp stings and serious injury. Contact a pest control expert to safely remove the nest.
  • Place Cameras in Shaded Areas: Avoid direct sunlight as wasps prefer warm spots.
  • Seal Gaps: Check for small gaps around the camera and seal them to prevent nesting.
  • Use Peppermint Oil: Spray diluted peppermint oil around the camera to repel wasps.
  • Install Wasp Decoys: Fake nests can deter wasps as they avoid areas already occupied by others.
  • Keep the Area Clean: Regularly clean dirt, spider webs, or debris near the camera.
  • Motion-Activated Deterrents: Use sprays or devices that activate with movement to scare away wasps.

By following these steps, you can effectively keep wasps away from your Blink cameras.

How do I keep wasps away from my security camera?

Place the camera in a shaded spot, seal gaps, and spray diluted peppermint oil around it. Installing fake wasp nests nearby can also help deter them, as wasps avoid areas they believe are already occupied.

Clean the area regularly, use insect repellents like peppermint oil, and consider adding motion-activated lights or sprays. These lights can discourage bugs from gathering around your Blink camera.

What smell keeps wasps away?

Wasps dislike the scent of peppermint oil, clove, lemongrass, and geranium oils. Spraying these natural scents around your security camera will help keep wasps away without harming them.

How to stop bugs from triggering motion camera?

Reduce the sensitivity of the motion detection settings on your camera and use yellow bug lights nearby, which are less attractive to insects. Regular cleaning also helps prevent bugs from activating the camera.

How to Keep Spiders, Wasps, Bees, and Birds Away from Security Cameras?

Use natural repellents like peppermint oil for insects, bird spikes for birds, and regularly clean the camera. Installing fake nests and ultrasonic devices may also deter pests from approaching the camera.

Why are spiders, wasps, and birds attracted to security cameras?

Cameras provide warmth, shelter, and an attractive spot for webs or nests. The infrared light or movement from the camera may also draw insects, which then attracts birds and spiders looking for food.

Seal gaps around the camera, use peppermint oil, and place a fake wasp nest nearby. Regular cleaning and using motion-activated sprays can further help keep wasps away from outdoor cameras.

Why are bees attracted to security cameras?

Bees may be drawn to the warmth, reflections, or small gaps in the camera, mistaking it for a safe place to build a nest or explore for resources.

Wasp repellent:

Peppermint oil, clove, and lemongrass oil are natural wasp repellents. You can spray these oils diluted with water around your camera to effectively repel wasps without using harmful chemicals.

Fake wasp nest:

A fake wasp nest can deter real wasps from building nests near your camera. Wasps are territorial, and they avoid areas where they think other wasps have already settled.

Can ultrasonic devices protect my commercial cameras from insects and birds?

Yes, ultrasonic devices emit high-frequency sounds that can repel insects and birds without harming them. These devices can be an effective solution to protect cameras from unwanted pests.

Are bird spikes a safe method to deter birds from security cameras?

Yes, bird spikes are safe and effective for keeping birds away from security cameras. They prevent birds from landing or nesting without harming them, keeping the camera area clear.

Apply natural repellents like peppermint oil, keep the camera clean, and seal any small gaps. Fake wasp nests or motion-activated deterrents can also help keep wasps away from your Blink camera.

How do you keep wasps away from security cameras?

Spray peppermint oil around the camera, clean the area regularly, and seal any openings that could attract wasps. Fake wasp nests or decoys can also be useful to deter wasps from settling.

Use insect repellents like peppermint oil, reduce camera light brightness, and clean the area regularly to prevent insects from being drawn to your Blink camera.

Apply peppermint oil around the camera, install motion-activated deterrents, and place the camera in a shaded, less inviting spot to discourage wasps from approaching, even at night.

Seal any gaps in the camera, use peppermint oil, and hang a fake wasp nest nearby. Regular cleaning and positioning the camera in shaded areas can also help prevent wasps.

Bees can be deterred with peppermint oil or by sealing small gaps in the camera where they might attempt to nest. Keeping the area clean will also reduce bee interest in the camera.

Why are spiders, wasps, and birds attracted to security cameras?

These creatures are attracted to the warmth, shelter, and insects that gather near the camera. Infrared lights, reflections, or movement from the camera may also draw them in.


Why are bees attracted to security cameras?

Bees may mistake the warmth and small spaces in the camera for safe nesting spots. The camera’s shiny surfaces or reflections may also catch their attention as they explore.

What scent will keep wasps away?

Peppermint oil, clove oil, and lemongrass oil are strong natural scents that repel wasps. Spraying these around your Blink camera can effectively keep wasps at bay.

In many places, it’s illegal to remove bird nests, especially if they contain eggs or chicks. Check local wildlife protection laws before attempting to remove a nest from your camera.

What should I do if I encounter a large wasp nest on my security camera?

Do not attempt to remove a large wasp nest yourself. Contact professional pest control services to safely remove the nest without causing harm to yourself or your camera.

What are the benefits of regular cleaning of commercial security cameras?

Regular cleaning prevents insects, dirt, and debris from blocking the camera lens or triggering motion sensors. It helps ensure clear footage and extends the life of the camera equipment.


In Conclusion To keep wasps away from Blink cameras, place the cameras in shaded spots, seal any gaps, and use natural repellents like peppermint oil. Regular cleaning and installing wasp decoys or motion-activated deterrents can also prevent wasps from nesting near your cameras

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